Autobiography Of A Flea


Based on the famous Victorian erotic novel of the same name, this film is equal parts style and substance as we are transported inside the erotic Victorian world of love and lust, all told by the smallest voyeur of all, a flea who inhabits the privates of a young girl. The erotic adventures of his host are narrated by the tiny storyteller and revolve around several lascivious priests who seduce young virgins turning them into sex machines. Truly an all-time classic.

A VICTORIAN TALE OF LOVE AND LUST!Truly an all-time classic. A flea, who inhabits the privates of a young girl, narrates the erotic adventures of his host, which include some pretty wild stuff with a couple of lascivious priests who seduce young virgins turning them into sex machines.The film`s high point is in the sensual blending of dramatic settings with highly explosive sex. Plus offbeat, kinky sexual nuances. Based on the book (how often do you read that about a porno film?).

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Image of pornstar Annette Haven on Adultstarbase
57 y/o in scene
Image of pornstar Jean Jennings on Adultstarbase
54 y/o in scene
Image of pornstar John Leslie on Adultstarbase
66 y/o in scene
Born in United States
Image of pornstar Paul Thomas on Adultstarbase
62 y/o in scene
Born in United States
Image of pornstar Ken Scudder on Adultstarbase
70 y/o in scene
Born in United States

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