

A Feast for the Eyes

The richest woman in the world, Emlia Brandt (Brianna Banks) invites guests to her lush secluded resort. Confused as to why or by whom he was invited, Dr. Richard Wells (Dale Dabone) arrives suspect and a bit dubious. Once Emilia makes her enrance, via helicopter, the Fiesta begins! There is sumptuous food, delicious drinks, salacious salsa dancing & a turbulent orgy to end all orgies! Can Emilia ever top this incendiary celebration?

The richest woman in the world, Emilia Brandt aka " Briana Banks" invites guests to her lush secluded resort. Confused as to why or by whom he was invited, Dr Richard Wells aka "Dale DaBone" arrives suspicious and a bit dubious. Once Emilia makes her entrance, via helicopter, the Fiesta begins!

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