Friendly Cumpetition


Parker and Jade are the perfect step-siblings: their grades are high, their records are flawless, and their behavior is impeccable. This makes them extremely competitive with each other, trying to excel in whatever they try to outshow the other one. However, there’s one competition they haven’t tried yet: No-nut November! To make the contest more challenging, the goodie-goodie step-siblings compete on who makes the other one cum first behind their stepmother’s back, with unexpected (yet sexy) results.


Image of pornstar Jade Kimiko on Adultstarbase
23 y/o in scene
Born in United States
Image of pornstar Nikki Zee on Adultstarbase
33 y/o in scene
Image of pornstar Parker Ambrose on Adultstarbase
26 y/o in scene
Born in United States

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