Her Every Wish


Marilyn West is a very wealthy woman; so wealthy in fact that few people can refuse her. Not that any man in his right mind would want to. She plays the role of bitch goddess to her own retnue of friends and employees inckuding her raquetball teacher, her lawyer, her maids, and her companions Tasha and kim. The combination of gorgeous girls and strong capable males going all out to satisfy Her Every Wish leads to erotic, highly charged scenes that will leave you more satisfied and exhausted than any TWO movies can.

Marilyn West is a very wealthy woman. So wealthy in fact that few people can refuse her. Not that any man in his right mind would want to. She plays the role of bitch goddess to her own retinue of friends and employees including her raquetball teacher, her lawyer, her maids, and her companions Tasha and Kim. The combination of gorgeous girls and strong capable males going all out to satisfy HER EVERY WISH leads to erotic, highly charged scenes that will leave you more satisfied and exhausted than any TWO movies can.

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