Love Dreams


Sexy, young Julia Perrier travels from France to the United States to learn English, but ends up learning a thing or two about love instead. She gets a job with a maid service to help pay her way and ends up becoming the French Maid of choice and sexual play-thing for several well-to-do men and women alike. She works for all sorts of upper crust types, from an eccentric old general to a hunky Hollywood player, bouncing her way from one job to the bext and having several sexual misadventures along the way. Will she ever find the love she's looking for? Just wait and you'll see!

Sexy, young Julia Perrier travels from France to the United States to learn English, but ends up learning a thing or two about love instead. She gets a job with a maid service to help pay her way and ends up becoming the French maid of choice and sexual plaything for several well-to-do men and women alike. She works for all sorts of upper crust types, from an eccentric old general to a hunky Hollywood player, bouncing her way from one job to the next and having several sexual misadventures along the way. Will she ever find the love she`s looking for? Just wait and see!

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