Pleasure Motel


Pleasure Motel spies on a seedy highway stop over where a variety of nefarious individuals, including a disillusioned lesbian and a gambling junky spend their night, all with one urge in common. They all want a good hardcore fuck. See these downtrodden deviants endure their lives while craving the next filthy fuck. Starring the gorgeously notorious Tina Russell, this classic 70's film is unique snapshot of not just the day to day life of a salacious motel, but a seductive glimpse into the early days of porn.

PLEASURE MOTEL spies on a seedy highway stop over where a variety of nefarious individuals including a disillusioned lesbian and a gambling junky spend the night, all with one urge in common. They all want a good hardcore fuck. See these downtrodden deviants endure their lives while craving the next filthy fuck. Starring the gorgeously notorious Tina Russell, this classic 70s film is to a unique snapshot of not just a day in the life of a salacious motel, but a seductive glimpse into the early days of porn.

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