Supercharger is the hard hitting, fast driving fuckfest full of speed and sex. Supercharger breaks the rigid boundaries of the time with its forced sex, fast cars and uninhibited orgies. From the first frame the film sucks you in and doesn't spit you out until you've been slammed with blistering driving and breakneck fucking.
Whether you're a hardcore porn lover or just need a fix of fast cars, devilish fucking and unique film making, Supercharger is a film you need to watch to believe.
SUPERCHARGER is the hard hitting, fast driving fuckfest full of speed and sex. SUPERCHARGER breaks the rigid boundaries of the time with its forced sex, fast cars and uninhibited orgies. From the first frame the film sucks you in and doesnt spit you out until youve been slammed with blistering driving and breakneck fucking.Whether youre a hardcore porn lover or just need a fix of fast cars, devilish fucking and unique film making, SUPERCHARGER is a film you need to watch to believe.