Truth Be Told


Truth Be Told... The New Thriller From B. Skow!

'Hello 911... Bad Man Down!' Revenge Is Best Served Hot!

Luke, a sadistic, self-hating movie star who likes to push his lovers to the edge of breakdown, meets his match during a sex-fueled weekend bender, when he tangles with Cindy, a beautiful 22 year old who attempts to blackmail him with personal information spilled under the influence. Luke goes along with her gambit - seeing it as a way to fuck with her head - only to discover that Cindy really does know his darkest secret: in a drunken range, he nearly killed his teenage girlfriend 18 years ago. The revelation becomes even more shocking when Cindy delivers a mind-blowing twist that sends Luke reeling. Is she just playing him? or is this karmic payback for all of Luke's prior sins? Truth be told, the answer's inside...

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