Image of pornstar Aaron Bruiser on Adultstarbase

Aaron Bruiser

Birthday 1982-11-28 (42 years old)
Zodiac Sagittarius
Birth Place Born in United States United States
Ethnicity Caucasian
Gender Male
Hair N/A
Eyes N/A
Height N/A
Weight 236 lbs (107 kg)
Penis Length N/A

Hair: Brown | Eye: Brown | Size: 6.5 | Sexual Positions: Versatile | Sign: Sagittarius | Favorite Foods: Steak,Chicken, Fish | Favorite Movie: Anchorman | Favorite City: Dubai | Hobbies: Body Building | Likes The Most: Hang Out With Friends And Family | Doesnt Like: Sharks, Swimming In The Ocean And Heights | Best Thing About: Easy Going | Worst Thing About: I Sleep Too Much | How To Make Happy: Don'T Yell At Me

Performer stats of Aaron Bruiser

Age in first movie
33 years old
Years active
2015-2016 (2 years)