Image of pornstar Bentley Layne on Adultstarbase

Bentley Layne

Birthday 1994-03-04 (31 years old)
Zodiac Pisces
Birth Place Born in United States United States
Ethnicity Other
Gender Male
Hair Black
Eyes N/A
Height 5 ft, 8 in (173 cm)
Weight 152 lbs (69 kg)
Penis Length N/A

At first, young, muscular Bentley Layne might seem like a tough guy, but all it takes is one look at his social media to realize that he’s a sweetie with the ability to think positively! Tattooed Bentley wants to cut straight to the chase and definitely isn’t here to waste anyone’s time! It’s this, and his complete obsession with beautiful Tgirls, that keeps this young man going. Oh… and his rock-hard abs and big, uncut cock help too! Check out some scenes with this young, tattooed stud and you will quickly see, all that positive thinking is really paying off!

Performer stats of Bentley Layne

Age in first movie
25 years old
Years active
2019-2023 (5 years)