Image of pornstar Bradley Remington on Adultstarbase

Bradley Remington

Birthday 1984-03-05 (41 years old)
Zodiac Pisces
Birth Place Born in United States United States
Ethnicity Other
Gender Male
Hair Brunette
Eyes N/A
Height N/A
Weight 185 lbs (84 kg)
Penis Length N/A

Guy-next-door Bradley Remington looks more like the love interest in a teen rom-com than a hardcore porn star - and that's exactly his appeal. Women love to watch his tall built frame in action, and men appreciate the way he can plow any babe until she screams in ecstasy. Ever the charmer, Bradley is the perfect mix of gentleman and sex fiend. Mr. Remington got his start in the adult industry in the fall of 2012, and he's been pounding on ever since. Bradley is also a talented blues musician, and a seriously skilled drummer. He brings those powerful hands to every shoot and loves to slide his thick fingers into a wet pussy before unleashing his massive cock and drilling his sexy co-stars into a state of complete bliss. Bradley hopes to produce and the direct in the future, and we think he'll be sticking around pleasing Brazzers starlets for a long time to come. 

Performer stats of Bradley Remington

Age in first movie
29 years old
Years active
2013-2022 (10 years)