Image of pornstar Carmella Diamond on Adultstarbase

Carmella Diamond

Birthday 1989-02-28 (36 years old)
Zodiac Pisces
Birth Place Born in United States United States
Ethnicity Caucasian
Gender Female
Hair Brunette
Eyes Hazel
Height 5 ft, 6 in (170 cm)
Weight 130 lbs (59 kg)
Measurement 34-25-35

There are diamonds in the rough and then there are diamonds that like it rough. Carmella Diamond falls into the second category; she is a hot newbie amateur that likes it rough! If you like sweet 18 year old girls who are looking to become a lot less wholesome, check out the Newbie Boobies episode of Pure 18 and see Camella in action! Log on and check out how amazin' her ass looks when she is on all fours or kneeling down on the tile kitchen floor. Carmella is gonna' be a huge star in the porn business, but she isn't yet. So see her now before she becomes too famous and know that you found her here first on the Reality Kings network!

Performer stats of Carmella Diamond

Age in first movie
18 years old
Years active
2007-2018 (12 years)