Image of pornstar Derek Allan on Adultstarbase

Derek Allan

Birthday 2024-03-04 ()
Zodiac Pisces
Birth Place Born in Mexico Mexico
Ethnicity Latin
Gender Male
Hair Black
Eyes N/A
Height 5 ft, 6 in (170 cm)
Weight 150 lbs (68 kg)
Penis Length N/A

Hair: Black | Eye: Brown | Size: 8 | Cut Or Not: Uncut | Sexual Positions: Versatile | Restrictions: None | Favorite Foods: Mexican | Favorite Movie: Harry Potter | Favorite City: London, Mexico City, Buenos Aires | Hobbies: Reading, Cinema, Watching Vids | Likes The Most: Training, Travel And Eating | Doesnt Like: I Don'T Like Fake People | Best Thing About: Honest And Fun | Worst Thing About: Always Horny |My Family And My Cat

Performer stats of Derek Allan

Age in first movie
18 years old
Years active
2016-2020 (5 years)
Release Title Vendor
2016-03-19 Lucas Men 2.0 CD Universe