Image of pornstar Ethan Chase on Adultstarbase

Ethan Chase

Birthday 1984-11-28 (40 years old)
Zodiac Sagittarius
Birth Place Born in Canada Canada
Ethnicity Caucasian
Gender Male
Hair Blonde
Eyes N/A
Height 5 ft, 7 in (171 cm)
Weight 152 lbs (69 kg)
Penis Length N/A

Hair: Brown | Eye: Blue | Size: 7.5 | Sexual Positions: Versatile | Favorite Foods: Sushi, Korean Food | Favorite Movie: Snatch | Favorite City: New Orleans, New York, London, Tokyo | Hobbies: Have A Geeky Side; Into Watching Anime And Sci-Fi | Likes The Most: Fitness And Healthy Lifestyle | Doesnt Like: Self-Centered People | Best Thing About: I Love To Laugh And I'M Easy Going | Worst Thing About: I'M Stubborn | How To Make Happy: Fine Dining And A Comfortable Bed

Performer stats of Ethan Chase

Age in first movie
30 years old
Years active
2014-2023 (10 years)