Image of pornstar Franky Fox on Adultstarbase

Franky Fox

Birthday (N/A)
Zodiac N/A
Birth Place N/A
Ethnicity N/A
Gender Male
Hair Brunette
Eyes N/A
Height 5 ft, 10 in (179 cm)
Weight 154 lbs (70 kg)
Penis Length N/A

Hair Color: Dark Brown | Eye Color: Blue/green | Dick Size: 7 | Cut or Uncut: Cut | Sexuality: Gay | Sexual Position: Top/Vers | Sign: Scorpio | Favorite Food: Steak, cheese, Vegemite | Favorite Movie: American Beauty | Favorite City: New York | Hobbies: Singing, gym, baking, theatre | What I Like Most: Music | What I Don't Like: Slow walking people | Best Thing About Me: Approachable and friendly | Worst Thing About Me: Always too busy | How to Make Me Happy: Feed me | Favorite Quote: "You gotta make your own sunshine." -Neil Sedaka

Performer stats of Franky Fox

Age in first movie
Years active
2020-2023 (4 years)