Image of pornstar Jack Vegas on Adultstarbase

Jack Vegas

Birthday 1974-11-30 (50 years old)
Zodiac Sagittarius
Birth Place Born in United States United States
Ethnicity Caucasian
Gender Male
Hair Brunette
Eyes N/A
Height N/A
Weight 174 lbs (79 kg)
Penis Length N/A

The fact that Jack Vegas gets to plow pussies of all ages doesn't bother his wife, porn star Veronica Rayne, one bit. Tough-as-nails Jack was working as head of security in a club when they met. The two started filming amateur porn for fun. Those early scenes kicked off a successful career which Jack says is truly a labor of love. They now own the restaurant Oxygen Lounge in Tarzana, Los Angeles, and it's like having a little slice of Vegas in LA County. He feels that the minor stresses of networking, taking care of his career, and maintaining his body, are a very fair trade for the chance to fuck such hot women for the camera. Jack brings to his scenes exactly the kind of cool intensity you'd expect from a former club bouncer.

Performer stats of Jack Vegas

Age in first movie
32 years old
Years active
2007-2025 (19 years)