Image of pornstar Melissa Stratton on Adultstarbase
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Melissa Stratton

Birthday 1989-09-14 (35 years old)
Zodiac Virgo
Birth Place Born in United States United States
Ethnicity Caucasian
Gender Female
Hair Brunette
Eyes Blue/Green
Height 5 ft, 4 in (165 cm)
Weight 121 lbs (55 kg)
Measurement 34D-25-36

Melissa has lived in various places, describing herself as an Air Force brat who grew up calling Texas, Alaska, and Utah home. “Moving around a lot helped me become independent, and I got to experience many beautiful parts of the United States. Salt Lake City, where I attended college, feels like my hometown!” "Although relatively new to the industry, Melissa has found great fulfillment. “I’m really proud of the growth I’ve achieved as an actress since I started two years ago,” she reflects. “I was even nominated for Best Actress!”

Performer stats of Melissa Stratton

Age in first movie
32 years old
Years active
2022-2025 (4 years)