Patrick Collins
Birthday | (N/A) |
Zodiac | N/A |
Birth Place | N/A |
Ethnicity | N/A |
Gender | N/A |
Hair | N/A |
Eyes | N/A |
Height | N/A |
Weight | N/A |
Performer stats of Patrick Collins
Age in first movie
Years active
2000-2011 (12 years)
Release | Title | Vendor |
2011-07-29 | It's A Daddy Thing # 1 | CD Universe |
2009-07-16 | Girl Play | CD Universe |
2006-01-02 | Where The Girls Sweat # 8 | CD Universe |
2005-02-23 | Sodomania # 11: In Your Face | CD Universe |
2004-03-10 | Buttman's Favorite Black Girls | CD Universe |
2003-12-15 | Slutwomen: A Collectors Editon | CD Universe |
2000-05-24 | Sodomania Tales of Perversity | CD Universe |
2000-??-?? | Sodomania Orgies 2 | CD Universe |
N/A | It's A Daddy Thing # 5 | CD Universe |
N/A | All By Myself # 2 | CD Universe |
N/A | It's A Daddy Thing # 4 | CD Universe |
N/A | Sodomania # 7 | CD Universe |