Scott DeMarco
Birthday | 1969-12-31 (55 years old) |
Zodiac | Capricorn |
Birth Place | N/A |
Ethnicity | Caucasian |
Gender | Male |
Hair | Brunette |
Eyes | N/A |
Height | 5 ft, 9 in (177 cm) |
Weight | 143 lbs (65 kg) |
Penis Length | N/A |
Hair Color: Dark Brown | Eye Color: Brown | Dick Size: 7.5 | Sexual Positions: Versatile top | Sign: Scorpio | Favorite Foods: Italian | Favorite Movie: Gangs of New York | Favorite City: San Francisco | Hobbies: Working out, swimming | Likes The Most: Body hair, passionate kissing | Doesn't Like: Bad breath | Best Thing About Me: I'm very open and love exploring new things | Worst Thing About Me: I'm always running late | How To Make Me Happy: The quickest way to my heart is through my stomach | Favorite Quote: "I never look back, darling. It distracts from the now."
Performer stats of Scott DeMarco
Age in first movie
46 years old
Years active
2016-2023 (8 years)