Image of pornstar Teddy Torres on Adultstarbase

Teddy Torres

Birthday 1991-11-18 (33 years old)
Zodiac Scorpio
Birth Place Born in Canada Canada
Ethnicity Latin
Gender Male
Hair Brunette
Eyes N/A
Height 5 ft, 8 in (175 cm)
Weight 185 lbs (84 kg)
Penis Length N/A

Hair: Black | Eye: Brown | Size: 8 | Cut Or Not: Uncut | Sexual Positions: Versatile | Restrictions: None | Favorite Foods: I Love To Eat Good Meat | Favorite Movie: Old Musicals Like Grease, Footloose Etc. | Favorite City: Barcelona, Berlin | Hobbies: Drawing And Fashion | Likes The Most: Travelling And Meeting New People | Best Thing About: I Am A Passionate Person, I Love Sex And Play Rough |

Performer stats of Teddy Torres

Age in first movie
26 years old
Years active
2017-2024 (8 years)