Image of pornstar Titus Steel on Adultstarbase

Titus Steel

Birthday 1975-03-31 (49 years old)
Zodiac Aries
Birth Place Born in Romania Romania
Ethnicity N/A
Gender Male
Hair Brunette
Eyes N/A
Height N/A
Weight 141 lbs (64 kg)
Penis Length N/A

Titus Steel is working for adult entertainment since 1997 in productions of Magma and MMV. Since 2006 he is married with the actress Jasmine la Rouge.\ \ Titus Steel was hired in 2010 for a special interactive online project and now he can be watched at four interactive erotic shows in Saboom. Together with his wife Jasmine Rouge he visited the Venus 2010 and filmed his entire visit and the award ceremony for an interactive tour.

Performer stats of Titus Steel

Age in first movie
26 years old
Years active
2002-2023 (22 years)