Image of pornstar Tony Rivera on Adultstarbase

Tony Rivera

Birthday 1988-03-29 (36 years old)
Zodiac Aries
Birth Place N/A
Ethnicity N/A
Gender Male
Hair N/A
Eyes N/A
Height N/A
Weight 174 lbs (79 kg)
Penis Length N/A

Hair: Black | Eye: Brown | Size: 6 | Sexual Positions: Versatile | Sign: Aries | Favorite Foods: Chicken With Rice | Favorite Movie: Noa'S Diary | Favorite City: Lisboa | Hobbies: Fitness | Likes The Most: Sex | Doesnt Like: Cook | Best Thing About: Good Friend | Worst Thing About: Egoism | How To Make Happy: With Gifts

Performer stats of Tony Rivera

Age in first movie
24 years old
Years active
2012-2014 (3 years)