Image of pornstar Tony Rubino on Adultstarbase
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Tony Rubino

Birthday 1980-03-20 (44 years old)
Zodiac Pisces
Birth Place Born in United States United States
Ethnicity Caucasian
Gender Male
Hair Blonde
Eyes N/A
Height 5 ft, 6 in (168 cm)
Weight 141 lbs (64 kg)
Penis Length 20 cm

Tony Rubino's life is a movie, and it's rated XXX. A longtime respected agent and performer in the biz, Miami-based Italian-American Tony has fucked a who's-who of porn starlets. Women line up around the block for a chance to ride his massive cock, which is easily one of the biggest the industry has ever seen. Whether it's one-on-one or a gangbang, Tony puts 110% into every scene he's featured in, because he credits porn with having saved him. Before he broke into the porn industry, Tony says he was involved with bad people and doing bad things to try to get ahead in life. "I've never looked back once getting into the adult business," says Mr. Rubino, though when it's hard to believe he doesn't like 'back' when tapping some of the finest asses the world has to offer. A strong advocate for the rights of sex workers, Tony's life is the redemption story of a man who almost went bad, but decided to be naughty instead, so catch him on the big screen today!

Performer stats of Tony Rubino

Age in first movie
28 years old
Years active
2009-2025 (17 years)