Image of pornstar Zane Anders on Adultstarbase

Zane Anders

Birthday 1988-12-21 (36 years old)
Zodiac Sagittarius
Birth Place N/A
Ethnicity Other
Gender Male
Hair Blonde
Eyes N/A
Height N/A
Weight 176 lbs (80 kg)
Penis Length N/A

Hair: Blond | Eye: Blue | Size: 8 | Sign: Sagittarius | Favorite Foods: Habachi | Favorite Movie: Pineapple Express | Favorite City: St Pete | Hobbies: Basketball, Working Out | Likes The Most: The Beach | Best Thing About: Personality | How To Make Happy: Grabbing A Fat Ass Always Makes Me Happy

Performer stats of Zane Anders

Age in first movie
28 years old
Years active
2016-2020 (5 years)