Image of pornstar Brett Carter on Adultstarbase

Brett Carter

Birthday 1993-06-01 (31 years old)
Zodiac Gemini
Birth Place N/A
Ethnicity N/A
Gender Male
Hair N/A
Eyes N/A
Height N/A
Weight 212 lbs (96 kg)
Penis Length N/A

Hair: Blond | Eye: Blue | Size: 7 | Sign: Gemini | Favorite Foods: Ice Cream And Pasta | Favorite Movie: Step Brothers | Favorite City: San Diego | Hobbies: Snowboarding And Any Sport | Likes The Most: I Love To Go Camping Or Just Spending The Day Outdoors | Doesnt Like: I Don'T Like Sleeping In Late | Best Thing About: I Don'T Stress Out Over Anything | Worst Thing About: I Don'T Always Say What'S On My Mind. | How To Make Happy: I Love Surprises Of Any Kind.

Performer stats of Brett Carter

Age in first movie
18 years old
Years active
2010-2023 (14 years)