Image of pornstar Juan Lopez on Adultstarbase

Juan Lopez

Birthday 1983-01-19 (41 years old)
Zodiac Capricorn
Birth Place N/A
Ethnicity N/A
Gender Male
Hair Brunette
Eyes N/A
Height 5 ft, 8 in (175 cm)
Weight 161 lbs (73 kg)
Penis Length N/A

Hair: Black | Eye: Brown | Size: 7.8 | Cut Or Not: Uncut | Sexual Positions: Versatile | Restrictions: None | Sign: Capricorn | Favorite Foods: Seafood | Favorite Movie: E.T. | Favorite City: Istanbul | Hobbies: Mountains,Dive, Sports, Photography | Likes The Most: What I Like Most Is Professionalism And Integrity At Work | Doesnt Like: Lies, Informality | Best Thing About: I'M Professional And Dedicated To My Job | Worst Thing About: I Wake Up On The Wrong Side Of The Bed |

Performer stats of Juan Lopez

Age in first movie
32 years old
Years active